I'm a little depressed this Halloween because I was supposed to do a cheesy joint costume with Mike. I keep noticing all these little coincidences since things ended horribly. There was the homeless guy selling the Onion newspapers on the train, the Sebastio Salgado photo that caught my eye at Aperture Gallery yesterday, my friend who told me over dinner this past week about her recent ex who was also from Appleton, WI and in the comedy field, and my friend's friend who just got a job at The Onion. I feel like telling him all of this, but then I remember that we're not speaking to each other.
On an unrelated note, Friday night I came home extremely exhausted but turned on the TV while I was making a late night snack to eat. I started watching White Chicks and just could not stop watching it even though I was in the wee hours of the night. White Chicks is by far one of the best comedies I've ever seen, and I'm not one for watching these sorts of movies. I have other friends that have professed the quality of this movie, but I had no idea :) I heard Mean Girls is even better.