Doesn't she have the most perfect lips??? Nothing like a little Liz Phair to mend a bruised heart. After all, I had Liz Phair playing in my stereo that my recent ex made me turn off just before he dumped me. I should have dumped him first the minute he said he didn't know who Liz Phair was.
The show was great except for these really annoying drunk and probably high girls bumping into us the whole time. At one point, the most wasted of all the girls grabbed my arm twice and yelled at me "You're not a Liz Phair fan!" and then she proceeded to stick both her middle fingers up at me. As tempted as I was to punch the chubby fake tan girl with the smoker's rasp, I just responded "Honey, did I DO anything to you? I'm sorry but some of us aren't drunk or high on cocaine and just want to watch the fucking show." Her friends had to literally pull her back from me. As Liz went into her solo oncore on the piano, this bitch yelled "Liz, you suck!" in response to her song choice. Now who's NOT the fan? It's moments like these at shows that I realize just how old I am and how little patience I have anymore for big concerts.

Tomorrow's the Cordalene show at Trash Bar for those of you who didn't get the email...try to make it out if you can!
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