Crazy Sara's Blog

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Recent & Random MySpace messages I've received & kept for a laugh


Hello Pretty,
How are you doing today?...Hope fine...just took a lucky spin on the Profiles on here and stumble on your profile...I must confess you are an episode to watch out for when it comes to epitome of beau in the word beauty, A priceless jewel that worth sorting after and ofcourse a perfect example of God's artistic nature...I just sum it up and deduce you are an intricate act of complex craftmanship by God...I really dont know how well to discribe your astonishing beauty cos all i can think of seems to be an understatement.. Well, I basically will like to know more about you and will love to get to chat with you soon..I have yahoo and msn messengers...let me know the one you have and when you are available to chat so we can chat...I am dieing to read from you and hope to read from you soon...Till then it is with love from me to you...( and hope i can get some receprocation for that)


My God Sara! (And I am a man of God, which is Love..1 John 4:8) I think that you are so incredibly and wonderfully gorgeous! I understand that everyone is an expression of the Father God’s Love, Creativity, Character, Wisdom, Hope, and Grace, that no one else in time has or can express, and this you certainly are.

I think that it is safe to say that the Lord loves you so much that he keeps your photo on his refrigerator. Certainly He had only one blueprint with you in mind and I am sure that your parents are proud of you and the lineage of your ancestors would be proud and honored if they could actually see you now. (smile)

You know scripture teaches that God was so exact in molding your beauty that it implies He was careful as to not make a mistake in creating you.. It is true.. Psalms 139:14, “I will thank you and acknowledge you Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are they words, and that my soul (mind, will, emotions) knows what is right very well.”

I thought that if your charisma and "attractiveness" is a result of the beauty and reflection of your inner heart, I might be cheating myself if I did not at least make an attempt to discover and embrace a tiny portion of your uniqueness for my own enlightenment. (smile) That is one of the reasons I would be honored with your friendship…

Below are Some of my Writings that I think accurately describes at least a portion of what I wish to express and that I believe is encased somewhere, someplace deep within your heart.. (smile) I did not want to pass up the opportunity to send you an email that could perhaps encourage or inspire you in a positive way. As time permits, take a look at my Blog and photos and if you are inspired or encouraged, (or perhaps we could be “cyberspace friends”…

Thanks for Taking the Time to Share,
Kenneth Bleu,
Aka, Kenny Candela
Jer. 29:11
"I know the thoughts I Have towards you says the Lord. They are always thoughts of Peace, and never of evil.. thoughts of peace and love aimed at your heart, to give you an expected, successful end."


Hello Sara,

If you into smart and witty conversations/chat on topics like Human behaviour, Philosophy, Spirituality, Sex, Fashion, Medicine, and Technology, then I am here for you.
If you are sincere, honest, and a friend for the long term, I am here for you.

If you have time to respond mails promptly, wit for wit, and have response for most every question/comment, then I am here for you.

I love to read, write poetry, and articles on life, love, etc. I desire to be friends with those who have guts, are sincere, and dare to be frank, honest, and have time to respond,reciprocate and appreciate the goodness coming their way.

I think we could be great friends.
I extend my hand of Friendship to you.

I am ready, and willing, and able. BUT, ARE YOU??




Body: guy's must be blind,stupid or maybe u live on the moon.
for no one to capture your heart by now is simply amazing.


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