Post-30th BDay WrapUpHere are some of the more compromising photos of the night. I'll post some nice wholesome ones later on.
I had a blast, and somehow got home in one piece with the help of Mike and Danielle. Unfortunately, I got sick all over my comforter that night. That hasn't happened for years, but I guess it's an appropriate ending to my three decades of life. I could have used that Tylenol that Jeff and Melissa included in my birthday card had I opened it that night. Danielle used so many towels to clean up that she had to wipe off with a hand towel the next morning after she showered. I was left with the dishtowel. Thanks Danielle - I owe you on your 30th BDay for taking such good care of me!
But a conservative looking male friend of mine, whose name shall remain anonymous and is anything BUT conservative in actuality, had the craziest story of all that night. He picked up a chick at Nublu, someone not attending for my bday, and they were making out within a matter of minutes. Upon during which the girl would alternate between kissing and then pushing him away saying "Get away from me!". She then invited him into the bathroom with him and peed and kissed him at the same time! He ends up leaving with the girl and getting in a cab together. Then she forgot where she lived while in the cab lost somewhere in Brooklyn. The cab driver got so pissed that he dumped them off on the side of the street. They got back in the cab again and drove around aimlessly to jog her memory of where she lived. My friend doesn't even live in the city, so he didn't have the option of going home. Finally, they found the apartment, but her keys didn't work! They woke up her roomie who let them in. He walked into her bedroom and found out that she was an artist. Her walls were covered with macabre artwork consisting of skeletons, dead babies with their lips sown shut, stuffed animals (taxidermy), etc. At this point, while she was in the bathroom, he walked out and questioned the sanity of this girl to her roommate. He claimed she was normal and just an "artist". At this point things started getting hot and heavy with the girl and my friend. Turns out she's a sadomasochist! Now, this post is already getting a little R rated, so I won't spare you with the details to make it NC-17. Finally, in the morning, she awoke and asked my friend who he was and what did they do. My friend was very disappointed and had hopes of getting to know her more. He said he never felt so used...let this be a lesson to you men out there!