I'm so sad I missed the Twins & Multiples Contest at Coney Island yesterday. I could have taken some cool Diane Arbus-y photos there, but unfortunately work beckons.
I've been drinking so many Starbucks Java Chip Frapuccino's that I've developed some rashes on my arms - yes, ironically I'm allergic to chocolate of all things. It's not like I stop breathing or anything, so I continue my little addiction. So, I tried switching to the Green Tea Frapuccino today...they're really pretty to look at, but I'm afraid green tea makes me really jittery.
At least I'm wide awake while I type all my papers for school. I'm so happy that I've been able to choose such cool companies for these potentially boring papers like: Bono's EDUN, the eco-friendly clothing line, for my marketing plan analysis, and VICE's multimedia company for my media brand analysis.
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