The Return of the Dead Moth
I saw another dead moth this morning at the grocery store. I stopped my cart dead in its tracks when I saw the moth laying lifeless on the ground. Memories of the giant fried moth sauteed in my Eggs Ameride a few weeks ago at Doyle's in Boston came rushing back to me.
Now, superstitious person that I am, I know that a white moth flying into someone's home means a deceased friend/relative is just visiting. And I know that a black moth symbolizes an iminent death. So, what does an already dead black moth symbolize??? Maybe I should finally read Virginia Wolfe's "The Death of a Moth" and find out.
Maybe it's good luck and not bad luck that one keeps crossing my path? Moths are also supposed to symbolize strength, speed, and beauty with their silk-spinning abilities. Moths are the new butterflies! I hope to see a live one soon...
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