I need to stop drinking the coffee in the evenings. I had yet another anxiety dream last night. This was another chasing dream, coupled with the same dream I have about missing my regular Wind Ensemble rehearsals (which I haven't been involved in for like 8 yrs now since I left SU). I also apparently missed some Art class I was registered for but didn't realize I hadn't been going till the very end of the semester and everyone made fun of me for showing up (the class only exists in my dreams). I woke up to another splitting headache. According to my trusty dream book, the first has to do with my desire to run from responsibility, which is something I never ever do in real life. And the 2nd, the part of me that misses and maybe feels guilty about that creative outlet that I feel like I'm missing out on a bit since I left college. And the flying dreams mean the same stuff as well...So, I'm devoting the whole month of August to doing this stuff and avoiding all things SCHOOL.
Song of the moment - Brendan Benson's "Cold Hands, Warm Heart". This song is so damn catchy I'm sure it'll still be stuck in my head in the morning when I wake up.
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