The Haunted Bldg on Pierrepont St.
I met a guy last night at Orit's 30th BDay Party who used to live in the haunted bldg on Pierrepont St. in Brooklyn Heights. I used to take pics of this old gothic bldg everytime I'd walk by it. I had never seen anyone enter or exit this place.
He told me about the man who used to run a porn business out of his apt. He told me about the crazy old lady with the staring problem who used to run out to buy one can of beer every hr on the hr and smoked so much that she left a trail of gray ash stains on the carpet outside her door.
While he claimed never to have seen any ghosts, he felt the presence of the priest(supposed to be the haunted one who used to do bad things to little boys), the cold spots, heard constant creaks, and witnessed a spontaneous fire in the elevator. The tenants seemed to scare him more than the possibility of the ghost. Isn't it amazing what New Yorkers will do for cheap rent?
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