Ode to Friendster
Here's an example of a Friendster message I received today:
Joe here
Hi my name is Joe.I am a 25m from Queens,NY. I am Italian/Israeli. I work as an Armed Guard at the
Empire State Bldg. and am studying to be a Medical Doctor in the near future. I was scrolling all over friendster when I finally stopped and realized how beautiful you are and wrote to you.My hobbies are baseball basketball,but my favorite thing to do is sweep that special someone off her feet[perhaps you].My personality is I am very
romantic,honest,loving and caring. I am not so interested about a girl's body or how she looks in a tight dress.....I am more interested in her quality and personality traits. If you would like to get to know me,you can write to me on Josephshimoni2@hotmail.com or on my aim.My
screen name on AIM is Tracysboy [after my late cousin that died in a car accidet New Years 2000]. kisses, Joe | |
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