I checked out both the Born into Brothels photo exhibit at ICP and the Mappelthorpe exhibit at Guggenheim yesterday evening. I love these "donate as you wish" nights at the museums...what a cool way to relax on a Friday eve. I'm not really a Mappelthorpe fan - frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. I guess if you're really into form and sculpture, this is it for you. Born into Brothels on the otherhand, other than being one of my favorite movies, the photos too are extremely touching. I cried throughout this movie, and I was tearing up seeing these photos, even though I've seen them several times now. It amazes me how children can take such colorful, moving, sensitive, daring, and thoughtful photos. These photos were better than photos I've seen some adults take. The exhibit closes tomorrow, so I highly suggest you check it out if you have some time!
After the museums, I met up with some friends for some Saigon Grill. On the way back to my friend's apt, I spotted some black princess heal Manolos on the sidewalk left out for someone to pick up. Unfortunately, they did not fit me, but they did fit my friend's Cinderella feet. Talk about Sex in the City moments. All this after my friend got pickpocketed earlier that afternoon, losing everything including her Social Security card. I'm pretty sure she could sell the shoes to pay for the wallet and everything in it.
We cabbed it over to see another's friend's band called Veleze. The singer definitely was NOT shy, with her skimpy caution tape outfit, screeching and writhing all over the stage like a very drunk Gwen Stefani. After this the Girls' Room to see Anisha spin her 80s songs in a no-airconditioned lounge with a horde of sweaty women dancing. Finally, we ended up at The Delancey for the Veleze after-party. I took the F train home, caught the end of Last Call with Carson Daly and watched my friend Mike perform on the show...all in all a very nice night.
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