Crazy Sara's Blog

Monday, August 28, 2006

Show Your Heart for Peace on the Subway

Bollywood Benedict 8.27.06

My real birthday consisted of a private screening of Holiday, the Indian version of Dirty Dancing, enjoyed on 4 giant screens while drinking yummy chipotle bloody marys and eating fancy, non-runny eggs.

Thanks to Irina for making my day so special and for the Indian cheesecake with a candle in it :)

More pretty pics from the party courtesy of Vadim Parkansky 8.24.06

BTW Vadim & Irina - the lomo was my most favorite gift :) Can't wait to use it...

My 31st BDay Party/B-School Graduation Party 8.24.06

I know what you're thinking, when is she gonna grow up already and stop having parties! Well, I decided on having one at the last second because I figured why the hell not celebrate your friends, family, accomplishments, life, etc EVERY YEAR. You only live once right? Life is beautiful, but sometimes it takes a birthday party to help you see it.

The Delancey rooftop was a perfect venue to have it - f*c# Nublu for trying so damn hard to be "unfindable". I'm over it.

I'm afraid there were no crazy highlights like from years past, but I think that's a sign of growing old gracefully :) Oh wait, we did see Julian Lennon walk right through my party.

Mikey @ Rockwood Music Hall 8.22.06

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What is the world coming to???

Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson broke up, and Zayra went home? Say it isn't so...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival 8.13.06

I'm done with school as of Thursday night. Yay to me...