Monday, August 28, 2006

My real birthday consisted of a private screening of Holiday, the Indian version of Dirty Dancing, enjoyed on 4 giant screens while drinking yummy chipotle bloody marys and eating fancy, non-runny eggs.
Thanks to Irina for making my day so special and for the Indian cheesecake with a candle in it :)

I know what you're thinking, when is she gonna grow up already and stop having parties! Well, I decided on having one at the last second because I figured why the hell not celebrate your friends, family, accomplishments, life, etc EVERY YEAR. You only live once right? Life is beautiful, but sometimes it takes a birthday party to help you see it.
The Delancey rooftop was a perfect venue to have it - f*c# Nublu for trying so damn hard to be "unfindable". I'm over it.

I'm afraid there were no crazy highlights like from years past, but I think that's a sign of growing old gracefully :) Oh wait, we did see Julian Lennon walk right through my party.