Monday, June 26, 2006

Not quite the same atmosphere as Syracuse, but very close. Instead of throwing straws at us, the waitress threw silverware. A little more dangerous than Syracuse ;)
My friend Lara whose birthday it was asked what the "Vegetable of the Day" was, and the waitress replied seriously "Fruit salad".
Totally worth the long trip to Harlem.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Full Moon
Back to the russian wedding. I've decided, if I was on death row, and my time was up - I would attend a russian wedding and die happy.
To the girl who was fighting with her boyfriend and rode the train alone quietly sobbing all the way to my stop, I feel your pain. Just saying "Guys Suck", and we were instant stranger-friends. Way to go socking your boyfriend with your Steve Madden shopping bag. I'm sure he deserved it.
The full moon outside my window peeking through the trees is magnificent. I have to say with a moon like this, who cares about not being able to see stars in the NYC sky.